CAP Money Coaching

Our next CAP Money programme will start on Thursday 27 February.

We will be meeting from 12.45 to 2.15 pm each Thursday from 27 February until 20 March.

This course will be hosted by our partnership with Crawley FreeShop and will take place at:

The Bewbush Centre, Dorsten Square, Crawley RH11 8XW.

You can sign up for this free programme by visiting -

click on ‘Get help near you’ and enter your postcode.

We will be running more CAP Money programmes

Watch this space for more information or visit CAP’s website - - to find out the dates of CAP Money, CAP Life Skills and CAP Job Club programmes in this area.

What is CAP Money?

CAP Money coaching is a free service designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to better manage your finances. Anyone can benefit – from seasoned budgeting experts to those struggling to get to grips with their spending.

Money coaching consists of expert teaching and guidance from financial specialists across the UK through a series of videos. You’ll learn in a group with like-minded others, and you’ll have the support of a trained Money Coach. There are activities and discussions to help you apply it all in real life.

Money coaching has been designed and developed by the national charity, Christians Against Poverty. We’ve drawn on more than 25 years of our experience in helping tens of thousands of people take control of their finances to bring you a money management course that really works.  The programme is open to all: we are committed to our services being accessible, inclusive and available to people from all faiths.

Is CAP Money for me?

Whether you feel pretty organised or whether it’s like a lucky dip every time you try to pay for something with your card, CAP Money will help you take complete control of your finances. It is relevant for those on low incomes, self-employed, couples, families and those preparing for retirement. Whoever you are, CAP Money is relevant to you!

Because of the CAP Money course, I have paid off my mortgage arrears six months earlier than originally planned
— CAP Money participant

To find out more about the next CAP Money programme, please complete and submit the form below, this will be sent to our CAP Money coordinator, Rachel Dawson.

You can also sign up for this free programme by visiting - click on ‘Get help near you’ and enter your postcode.


CAP Life Skills


What is CAP Life Skills?

Money impacts all areas of our lives; what we can or can’t afford, our relationships, what we eat, our health and wellbeing and much more. Your local CAP Life Skills programme creates a friendly group where you’ll gain practical skills and discover new ways to live for a brighter future.

Is CAP Life Skills for me?

If you want to stay on top of your household bills, see your money go further, eat well on a budget or grow in self-confidence, then CAP Life Skill is for you. It will teach you real ways to save time, money and hassle in your day to day life. You’ll learn practical skills from our trained coaches alongside like-minded people in a relaxed and fun environment.

For more information on our Life Skills programme, or to sign up, please contact our Life Skills Manager, Graham Piper, by completing the form below.

CAP Job Clubs

Contact our Job Club coordinator, Graham Piper (, to find out more about the next CAP Job Club programme in this area:

You can also sign up for this free programme by visiting - click on ‘Get help near you’ and enter your postcode.

Your local CAP Job Club is a friendly place where you’ll get practical help and gain the tools you need to find work. You can meet like-minded people local to you, while gaining the skills and support you need to find a job you’ll love. 

Being unemployed can be hard to navigate on your own, but being part of one of our CAP Job Clubs means you face the challenge with other people in similar situations.

What to expect at a job club

Your local CAP Job Club meets weekly. You’ll follow a course that will give you all the tools you need to find work, from writing a CV that employers won’t be able to resist, to brushing up on those all-important interview skills.

All of our CAP Job Clubs are run by trained volunteers who understand the challenges you are facing when looking for work, and who really want you to succeed. You will not only have group support but your Job Club Coach will spend time helping you achieve your personal goals.

For more information on our Job Clubs course, please contact Job Club Manager Graham Piper:

There are no upcoming events at this time.