Our team
Rachel Dawson
Debt Centre Manager
Rachel has worked with CAP for 15 years, starting in London in 2010. She joined our Crawley CAP Centre as a debt coach in 2017, moving into the management role in 2018. Rachel also runs our CAP Money programmes and client events. Rachel’s heart is to reach out to those most broken and vulnerable in her community, offering hope.
Robert Pudney
Debt Coach
Rob joined the Crawley CAP Centre as our Community Link Coordinator and befriender in 2015. He trained to become a debt coach in 2019. Rob is passionate about the community in Crawley and the role CAP has in changing situations of so many families. Rob attends St Margaret’s Church in Ifield.
Graham Piper
Life Skills and Job Clubs Manager
Graham joined the CAP centre as a befriender and saw a greater need in our community. His heart is to bring people together, provide them will skills to be able to live more practically and to defeat isolation with inclusion. Graham trained as a CAP Life Skills coach in 2019 and now manages this and the Job Clubs programme. Graham is also involved in missional work overseas. He attends St Mary’s Church in Crawley.
St John’s
Charlotte Dobson
Chair of Trustees
St Margaret’s
Rob Pudney
St Andrews
Peter Ions
Crawley Baptist
Alan Cruickshank